3. Affiliated organizations
The following organizations are affiliated with the Advertising Code Authority. They all have a representative in the Advertising Code Authority’s Platform of Participants.
- Bond van Adverteerders (bvA) www.bva.nl (Association of Dutch Advertisers)
- Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Industrie (FNLI) www.fnli.nl (Federation of Dutch Food Industry)
- Nederlandse Vereniging “Rijwiel- en Automobiel Industrie” (RAI) www.raivereniging.nl (Dutch automotive industry association)
- Stichting Verantwoorde Alcoholconsumptie (STIVA) www.stiva.nl (Organization for the Moderate Use of Alcohol)
- Nederlandse Cosmetica Vereniging (NCV) www.ncv-cosmetica.nl (The Dutch Cosmetics Association)
- Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Reisondernemingen (ANVR) www.anvr.nl (General Dutch Association of Travel organizations)
- Keuringsraad KOAG/KAG www.koagkag.nl
- Vereniging Nederlandse Sigaretten- & Kerftabakfabrikanten (VSK) www.vsk-tabak.nl (United Manufacturers of Shag and Cigarets)
- Nederlands Kansspel Platform (NKP)
- Nederlandse Vereniging Cosmetische Geneeskunde (NVCG) www.nvcg.nl (Dutch Association of Cosmetic surgery)
- Goede Doelen Nederland www.goededoelennederland.nl (United Charitable Organizations)
- Vergunde Nederlandse Online Kansspelaanbieders (VNLOK)
- Nederlandse Online Gambling Associatie (NOGA)
- Data Driven Marketing Association (DDMA) www.ddma.nl
- NDP Nieuwsmedia www.ndpnieuwsmedia.nl (NDP News Media)
- Magazine Media Associatie (MMA) www.mma.nl
- Interactive Advertising Bureau in the Netherlands (IAB) www.iab.nl
- Thuiswinkel.org www.thuiswinkel.org (Dutch Home Shopping Organization)
- Stichting Etherreclame (STER) www.ster.nl (Organization for Ether Advertising)
- Stichting Regionale Publieke Omroep (RPO) www.stichtingrpo.nl (Organization for Regional Public Broadcasting)\
- Stichting Nederlandse Lokale Publieke Omroepen (NLPO) www.nlpo.nl (Organization of Local Broadcasters in the Netherlands)
- Screenforce www.screenforce.nl (Dutch association for knowledge and promotion of linear and non-linear video advertising)
- Radio Advies Bureau (RAB) www.rab.fm (Radio advertising association
- Klantenservice Federatie (KSF) www.klantenservicefederatie.nl (Customer Service Federation)
- MailDB www.maildb.nl
- Stichting Postfilter www.postfilter.nl (Postfilter Association)
- Stichting Gedragscodes Mobiele Diensten www.payinfo.nl (Association code of conduct Mobiel services)\
- Outreach www.outreach.nl (Outdoor advertising association)
- Vereniging van Communicatieadviesbureaus (VEA) www.vea.nl (Association of Communication Consultancy Agencies)
- Platform Media-Adviesbureaus (PMA) www.pma-bureaus.nl (Platform media agencies)
- Consumentenbond www.consumentenbond.nl (Consumers’ Association)
- ANWB Vereniging www.anwb.nl (The Royal Dutch Touring Club)
- Vereniging Eigen Huis www.eigenhuis.nl (Home owners’ association)